Washington Dog Bite Lawsuit FAQ
Answers to the Most Common Questions on Dog Attack Lawsuits in Washington
This page provides answers to some of the most common questions we receive regarding Washington dog bite lawsuit claims. You may have questions regarding your particular circumstances that are not answered here. To learn more about filing a dog attack lawsuit in Washington or to ask specific questions of an attorney handling dog attack claims in Washington, please complete our online contact form (located at the right side of your screen) and one of our attorneys serving Washington will contact you.
Read here to learn about general dog attack lawsuit information that will apply to most Washington claims.
Who may qualify to file a dog attack accident lawsuit in Washington?
Any person or the family member of a person who was injured by a dog in Washington may qualify to file a lawsuit. Pet owners are responsible for keeping their pets restrained and can be held accountable for their negligence in controlling an aggressive dog.
Why do I need a Washington dog bite attorney?
Insurance companies do their best to avoid and limit payouts, and having an expert on your side to gather evidence and build your case is essential. Our attorneys handling Washington dog bite accidents will access police reports, animal control reports, medical reports, and witness testimony to prove liability.
Does it cost anything for you to review my case?
We will always listen to your circumstances and give you our analysis of your case without any cost or further obligation.
What factors determine whether a dog owner is liable for a dog bite?
In many states, laws known as “one bite” laws protect owners when a dog has no prior history of aggression. However, some states have caveats to that law that say dog owners can be held responsible, if the dog attack was unprovoked and the victim was not trespassing at the time.
If the animal’s owner was aware of the dog’s propensity toward aggression, or if the dog has bitten someone before, most states’ laws say the owner can be the subject of litigation.
While some dog owner laws are imposed statewide, others (such as leash laws) vary from one community to the next. Certain dog breeds may also be subject to specific local laws. For detailed information on laws that apply to Washington dog attack claims, contact our attorneys serving Washington.
If a dog bite occurs away from the owner's property in Washington, may the owner still be found liable?
Yes, it is possible, as long as the dog was unprovoked.
How much will it cost to file a dog attack accident lawsuit in Washington?
We will represent all persons involved in a Washington dog bite injury lawsuit on a contingency basis, meaning there are never any legal fees unless we win compensation in your case. For a free no-obligation consultation please fill out our short online contact form and one of our attorneys handling dog attack lawsuits in Washington will contact you to answer any of your questions.
What type of insurance covers dog bite liability?
In many cases, the homeowner’s insurance of the dog owner. Worker’s compensation may cover some workers who are harmed on the job. This is a case of third party liability. Property owners have a legal obligation to provide a safe environment to invited visitors of their property. Invited visitors may include postal workers, delivery workers, utility workers, or anyone who has been invited to visit the property – anyone who has a job that requires they walk on to a property may be at risk for being bitten by a dog.
I was offered a substantial claim by the dog owner's insurance company. Why do I need a lawyer?
The nature of insurance companies is to offer a low claims and push a victim to accept, in order to avoid paying out a fair claim. Consult with an attorney before accepting a claim or signing any insurance documents to make sure you are getting what you deserve. Your injury may be longer-lasting than you realize, may cause long-term complications, or may require surgery to repair. In short, it is judge whether a payout is fair without the assistance of an experienced Washington dog bite attorney.
We're not the type of people who sue; do we really need to file a lawsuit?
If a member of your family was harmed in a violent attack, long-term, or even life-long, medical care may be required. The physical and emotional impacts of the incident are impossible to know at the time of a trial or settlement, and the cost of care is constantly rising. No amount of money can undo the wrong that has been done to you and your family. It is our fervent hope that every dog attack lawsuit we file can serve to make a pet owner take note of the loss and pain its negligence has caused. Unfortunately, in all too many cases it is only the fear of lawsuits that makes a pet owner take responsibility for restraining a dog.
Are there Washington dog bite lawsuit time limits that apply to me?
Most states have dog attack lawsuit time limits; however, the majority of all persons harmed as a result of a pet owner’s negligence will fall within those time limits if they contact an attorney in the near future. For specific time limits for a Washington claim, please fill out the form at right and one of our attorneys serving Washington will contact you as quickly as possible, usually within the hour.